

If you know me well, you probably know that I'm a little bit of a geek. I also love Japan and just about everything about it, also having traveled there.

I don't like tons of anime, but I do like Gundam. I really love the newest series Gundam 00 which is being shown on Sci-Fi Channel every Monday night at 11 p.m. till 12 a.m. This series is interesting because it's like the future of the world that we live in, having depleted all our natural resources and have had to find a new source of energy. Also in the series they have a space elevator, which is actually being built in real life. Crazy.

One thing I love most are the opening songs. The first one is great by a japanese band L'Arc-en-Ciel and is titled Daybreak's Bell. It's a great song, probably one of my favorite songs in a Gundam opening.

Halfway through the season they usually change the opening and add a new song. The new song is called Ash Like Snow by The Brilliant Green. I especially love this song, so I thought I would share it with you all.

Also here is a download I found for the song.



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